Debugging: The d Module

The Debugging (d) Module is used to debug the binary. This module sets breakpoints, views registers, and runs the binary. This module drives our dynamic analysis. Dynamic analysis is actively running the binary and observing its behavior. This is done by watching the registers, the stack, and the instructions as they are executed.

In radare2, dynamic analysis is done in debug mode. We can enter debug mode by using the -d flag when opening a binary.

The Help Page

[0x00000000]> d?
Usage: d   # Debug commands
| d:[?] [cmd]              run custom debug plugin command
| db[?]                    breakpoints commands
| dbt[?]                   display backtrace based on dbg.btdepth and dbg.btalgo
| dc[?]                    continue execution
| dd[?][*+-tsdfrw]         manage file descriptors for child process
| de[-sc] [perm] [rm] [e]  debug with ESIL (see de?)
| dg <file>                generate a core-file (WIP)
| dh [plugin-name]         select a new debug handler plugin (see dbh)
| dH [handler]             transplant process to a new handler
| di[?]                    show debugger backend information (See dh)
| dk[?]                    list, send, get, set, signal handlers of child
| dL[?]                    list or set debugger handler
| dm[?]                    show memory maps
| do[?]                    open process (reload, alias for 'oo')
| doo[args]                reopen in debug mode with args (alias for 'ood')
| doof[file]               reopen in debug mode from file (alias for 'oodf')
| doc                      close debug session
| dp[?]                    list, attach to process or thread id
| dr[?]                    cpu registers
| ds[?]                    step, over, source line
| dt[?]                    display instruction traces
| dw <pid>                 block prompt until pid dies
| dx[?][aers]              execute code in the child process
| date [-b]                use -b for beat time

Last updated

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